My Work

What I do

I handle everything that comes within these parameters, starting with comprehending your requirements and ending with delivering the finished result.


I possess technical digital marketing skills such as SEO, SEM, marketing analytics, social media marketing & advertising, but also soft skills such as agility and adaptability, project leadership, curiosity and effective communication.

Web Development

If you need a developer to take over the research and development of your website, I am a well-established professional to help you with this.


I perform competitor analysis to gain a strategic market advantage. I carefully consider a brand’s functional and emotional benefits in order to define the brand positioning and improve visibility through campaigns that are in line with the brand image, vision and promise.

Logo & Graphic Design

Using one source to create your website, pictures, and logos is a fantastic idea. I can assist you in creating those swiftly matched to your website.

Copywriting & Content Creation

The content of your website should be in sync with the design, just like the graphics do. I can therefore assist you in producing fantastic content that enhances both my design and your business.

My Latest Work